Informative Age

Hi i’m back! I know I’m new, i have neglected my blog for a couple of weeks. But I am here to say I’m sorry. After reviewing my blog for quite sometime, I notice the language that I have used. With that, I’m sorry for the lack of simple english or chunky information.

This is a continuation of what I post previously. With regards of information age, if you have not known by now, this is the era of computers and technology. We have a system build with sophistication either in or out of our life. Why is this important? Here’s why.

Information age is no longer a base whereby qualification matters.You know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t. Simple.

Take this for an example, when you took out your smartphones what do you see? Apps right? So have you ever wondered how people actually create the apps? Have you ever wondered the skeleton behind how apps were design to make it simple for us users to get connected with people internationally? Or what makes an app so popular like whatsapp that it becomes so influential to our everyday life? Like I have mention earlier, you know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t.

Now let me put it this way, do you need a degree to build a good apps? No. Do you need a teacher to say that your apps is wrong or right? The answer is no. Do you even need a grading system to say that your apps deserve an A grade or B grade? The ans is no again.

You see, the word “education” comes from the word “educe”. It means to “draw out, to develop”. Education is a process of discovery. It is not a process of sitting on a chair, memorizing and then regurgitating what you have just memorized or read/heard from the teacher. I think that would be considerably considered as brainwashing.

True education is drawing out the information so that student learn through their own discovery process. Most of the informative stuffs that or a money making idea is made out of the blue, something someone thought of outside the box and wala… You become an instant millionaire. Of coursewith determination and hard work too.I shall go deeper on that topic maybe in my future post.

SO now here is my take. If we keep blaming the economy, the government or the tax payer for the insufficient jobs, or competitive rat race, then it is our fault that we are still stuck in zone of mediocrity. In order for us to move forward and withstand this amount of abundance in life we either change ourselves or don’t. It’s all back to the mindset. I can go on and on about this but here is the choice, which would you prefer, changing yourself to change the surrounding to  your needs, or changing the surrounding and then maybe if you get lucky you can change too?

Lotsa love from MIMI.